What’s the difference between a retailer and a distributor?
The retailer sells energy to you and generates a bill for that energy. You have a choice of retailers. A retailer will pass-on costs relating to the supply of electricity to your property. These costs are linked to the distribution of network charges.
The distributor maintains the power grid between the generators and your site. As their assets are fixed, you do not have a choice of distributor.
CitiPower - Melbourne CBD and inner suburbs
United Energy - Eastern and southern suburbs of Melbourne
SP AusNet - Eastern Victoria
Jemena - North-west suburbs of Melbourne
Powercor - Western Victoria
SA Power Networks - All
Integral Energy - Sydney’s greater west, southern highlands and Illawarra
Energy Australia - Sydney, central coast and Hunter regions
Evoenergy - ACT
Energex - South-east Queensland
Ergon - Rural and regional Queensland
However, Energy Intelligence can assist with optimising your network charges to ensure you are paying the lowest tariffs possible.