Below are some frequently asked questions which have been answered by our support team.

Commercial tenants

Please email with your move-out details. Please also liaise with your Centre Manager; they know to approach us with this information to begin your account closure process.

Residential tenants

It is important you notify us before you move-out by completing the Online form or email with your address, account number, name and move-out date and we will take care of the rest. If we are not notified prior to your move-out, you may be charged until the date of notification or until someone else moves into the tenancy and notifies us of this. 

Moving Out?

We require at least 3-business days’ notice to process your request.  Disconnections are typically made from 7am Monday to Friday (excluding public Holidays).  Note: If you require power on the scheduled disconnection date, we suggest re-scheduling to the day following. To organise power to be disconnected please complete the Online form or email with your address and move-out date and we will take care of the rest.

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